Does Connectify work with Windows 10?
Yes, Connectify Hotspot works with Windows 10. Download the latest version of Connectify Hotspot right here
If you are planning on upgrading to Windows 10 from an earlier version of Windows, please uninstall Connectify prior to upgrading to Windows 10 to avoid a rare bug in the Windows 10 upgrade process.
If you have already updated to Windows 10 from an earlier version of Windows with Connectify installed, the Windows upgrade may have disabled some services Connectify depends on. The easiest way to restart these services is to simply uninstall Connectify and reinstall the latest version of Connectify.
A small percentage of Windows 10 users are reporting issues with the driver during installation. This is most often related to Kaspersky 2015 blocking Connectify's driver from being installed. You need to either upgrade to Kaspersky 2016, uninstall Kaspersky 2015, or disable Self-Defense in Kaspersky 2015. Kaspersky 2015 blocks Connectify's driver install on Windows 10 even when Kaspersky 2015 is disabled.