Connectify system requirements
Connectify Hotspot supports Windows 10 and Windows 11 and above.
In order to create a Wi-Fi hotspot for sharing your connection, your computer must have a Wi-Fi adapter. If your computer does not have a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, you can use a USB Wi-Fi adapter instead. Connectify can use the same Wi-Fi card for connecting to a Wi-Fi network for Internet access and creating the Wi-Fi hotspot.
If you want to share your Internet connection to other devices over Ethernet, then your computer will need an ethernet adapter. Please note that the ethernet port must be a separate adapter from what you use to connect to the Internet. If you are connecting to the Internet over ethernet, then you will need a second ethernet adapter for sharing the connection. You cannot use the same ethernet adapter for both connecting to the Internet and sharing to other devices. If your computer only has one ethernet adapter and you need a second one, you can use a USB ethernet adapter to add a second port to your computer.